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Putting Data to Work

Client: National Council on Teacher Quality

Many organizations develop fancy websites and robust digital marketing strategies to pretend to be more than they are. NCTQ had the opposite problem: Despite producing valuable insights, NCTQ struggled with an outdated digital presence and limited engagement from key stakeholders. The organization needed a strategic overhaul to amplify its mission, attract new partnerships, and increase the transparency and usability of its research.

The Challenge

A long-established think tank, National Council on Teacher Quality, or NCTQ, was sitting on piles of data generated from thorough research on topics like the quality of teaching schools’ curriculum and outcomes from different styles of teaching. Despite having this treasure trove of content, NCTQ still struggled to uplift and mobilize allies around education reforms. In 2019, NCTQ partnered with Starling to tell a clearer story about the work already being done and help NCTQ – and its constituents – get as much value out of their research as possible.

The Approach

Learning from the NCTQ community

We started by conducting in-depth interviews and data analysis to grasp the needs and expectations of NCTQ’s diverse audience, which included teachers, researchers, policymakers, and advocates. This initial phase revealed key insights:

  • Demand for Accessibility: Stakeholders wanted easier access to data and research findings.
  • Desire for Practical Examples: There was a strong demand for showcasing what effective teaching looks like in real-world settings.
  • Need for Engagement: Users sought more interactive and engaging content.

Starling also dug into the data about NCTQ’s community, including basic charts like this that introduce target audiences and prioritization.

Digital building and management

Starling Strategy focused on understanding the needs of the NCTQ community, enhancing the accessibility and user experience of their digital platforms, and fostering stronger connections with stakeholders by putting forth a vision for what makes a quality teacher and a strong teacher workforce.

Our key steps included:

  • Developing personas to organize the website and online channels for improved user experience.
  • Identifying high-impact examples and stories from exemplary teachers, researchers, and advocates across all digital platforms.
  • Crafting consistent communication strategies to build trust and engagement.
  • Developing a consistent “theory of change” that helps turn information into action.

The Impact

“I wanted you to know we’re still using Starling’s report on a weekly, if not daily, basis.”

Over a year after Starling delivered NCTQ’s digital strategy, the foundation’s chief of staff shared how essential Starling Strategy’s work remained.

Starling’s task was to create a strategy document specific enough for implementation, yet grounded in clear goals adaptable over time.

One key takeaway? Starling’s work made fundraising conversations more successful: digitally-informed plans and data proficiency have enhanced NCTQ’s credibility with foundation investors.

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